Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another sport has come to end!

Basketball has finally come to an end. It was an exciting season with the boys having a record of 8-2~ thats pretty darn great if you ask me. Well this past weekend we had tournaments. The boys ended up coming in 4th place~ thats not where they wanted to be but its pretty darn good. There are at least 10 teams so 4th place is pretty good. The boys each got a medal for 4th place.

I am not sharing a photo at this time. It says Mounds View Basketball~ sorry my child and his teamates did NOT play for Mounds View (our rival High School) we played for Irondale. The medal really should have said Youth Basketball Program. I really wanted to tell them no thank you for the medal but I was nice and didn't through it back at them.

Now that basketball is over we finally have our weekends totaly free. Now Nate has a big descion to make, does he play baseball or not, does he play for the more compitive league or the weaker league that doesn't monopolize our time and weekends. Big choice to make~ if i can even get him to play, that is the question.

Grandpa Jim got some good pics of Nate during one of the tournament games, I will post at another date/time. I have to get him to download and share with me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What An Amazing Weekend !!

Wow, where to even start. So a few weeks back I received a phone call from Jason. He was calling to see if I/We wanted to babysit Miles. I said sure let me hop on that first plan to ATL. He then told me that he was coming up here to MN and we could watch Miles at our house. So of course I said yes we would love to.

After a very long week waiting for Miles to get here he finally showed up at the house around 4ish. He was very excited to see us and us him. Right from the get go he was running around the house keeping us all on move, running from one room to the other.

We had such a blast with Miles here. It was nice to get more quality time in with him. Being able to be the ones that feed him, change him, entertain him, sing to him, play with him, get him ready for bed.

Saturday we had quit the house full of people, I had a few friends come over with their kids so we ended up having seven, yes I said seven kids running around the house. Miles wasn't quit sure what to think of that. He ended up latching onto my friend Traci's husband, Jason. Jason is very similar to Daddy Jason. Both are tall and thin. Where ever Jason L. went miles was right there, it was really cute and Jason L. was so wonderful with Miles. The only down fall of Miles being a little unsure of all the kids is that my friend and her family never really got to see the full Miles in action. All thought he was totally adorable and the kids had fun giving him high fives.

Once Traci and her family left Miles came to life, I think it had a little to do with the fact that the house got a little quieter~ So my other friend got the chance to meet Miles, the one we all love and adore with all our hearts.!!!

Well tonight my house is much quieter, its just not the same without Miles here, its just a little too quiet, Nate even said it bites not having him here. Nate is soo good with Miles and was such a great help with him over this weekend. Well hopefully sooner rather than latter we will get to see not only Miles but his mom and dad too!!!!!

Just another little Note: Nate and his basketball team won another game this past Saturday. The team is now 8-1 with only 1 more regular season game to go then its off to the playoffs.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Goodbyes and good times

on January 5th we said our goodbyes to Nates coach Rudy. What I thought was really nice about the service is all the kids from the football team got to sit up front on the floor with the family. What a nice way to support Rudy's family and especially Carter~ Nate's good friend. The boys looked so cute, most of them wore their football jersey's to honor Rudy, and the minister made a nice comment about the boys being there for support~ it made me tear up for sure!!

Well Nate's been busy, On Monday the 12th him and the rest of the 6th graders from his school all got to go on a skiing field trip~ Nate had a blast and couldn't stop talking about how much fun he had. He couldn't wait to get home and show me pictures of the jumps he took. Pretty darn good being his first time skiing ever. Tuesday was he after school trip to do some more snowboarding, Nate had such a blast skiing the day before that he wanted to ski instead of snowboarding~ I don't know if he had as much fun as the day before~ it was like -6 with a windshield of -25 ~ way to cold for my blood~ I don't know what the program people were thinking, that sounds like weather to not be out in. Nate said he stayed warm but he is ready to get back to snowboarding.

Nate has also been enjoying the local ice rink right around the street from oue house~ He thinks that he is ready to take on the highschool kids.

Nate had a basketball game this past Saturday, his team in now 6-1 , Way to GO!!!

Its been extremly cold here this week and we have 1 more day of subzero weather to deal with~ these are the kinds of days that you just don't want to get out of bed or leave the house.

Hopefully next time I will have some new pics of Nate~ he doesn't like me taking his picture. LOL

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Holiday's with a Heavy Heart

So Christmas has come and gone. This year was supper special in that we were all home together for Christmas! I loved being able to finally meet Mr. Brady, what a little cutie pie he is~ so soft and cuddly, I loved being able to play with Miles and watch him go and go, and Steven~ what a handsome man. It was great having Carrie and her family here with us also, we haven't had that in a few years. We usually have to do two Christmas's, but not this year we were all together, what more could anyone ask for~ My Christmas wish came true.

Our house is WAY TOO QUIET NOW~ I MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH! Time went too quick!!

We at our house at our house are all dealing with a great sadness. This past Saturday night Nate's Friend Carters dad passed away in a very late night car accident not far from our house. Rudy was a special guy, he had his share of problems but he really loved Nate. Rudy was the coach that always pushed Nate to his best and really stuck up for Nate when others didn't. Rudy could see Nate's potential and really urged him to play with his all~ whether it was baseball, football, or basketball. Rudy was that one coach that ever team should have! Boy he sure knew how to pump up the kids and even if a kid messed up a play, Rudy was right there giving them positive feedback and kept them from hanging their heads low.

This coming Monday we will say our goodbyes to a supper coach and friend.

Friday, December 12, 2008

A day in the life

No news is good news. This past tuesday Nate the great started snowboarding with school, for a fee of course. They go for five Tuesdays right after school. The students from both middle schools hop on bus and head for Afton Alps.

Nate really cracked me up the night before his first trip to Afton. Nate was a little dissapointented that all the kids are required to take lessons their for the first two sessions. He has an attitude like " I know what I am doing, I know how to snowboard." I had to remind Nate these are not the type of his he is used to going to like the hill at his old elementary school or the golf course~ they are by no mean mountians but they are Way Huge hills that you have to ride a sky lift on. He was like "oh".

So I picked him up from school at 9:30~ and on a school night~ he couldn't wait to get in the car and tell me all about it. I, being his loving mother was most concerned about what he ate for dinner. Come to find out he didn't eat dinner~ he had locked his wallet up in the trailor with his backpack. His friend bought him a pop and a candy bar. So after that little discussion about not locking the wallet he couldn't wait to tell me about his adventure and his injuries.

Nate the great realized that those hills were just as big as I told him. I guess he had falled down more than just the one time. I asked him how the lesson went, thinking they would teach him some good moves, well I was wrong. He pretty much just had to prove to the instructors that he could weave back and forth. Once he did that he was on his own.

Nate had a blast and can't wait for the next trip coming up this Tuesday. We have to go shopping and see about getting him new bindings. We gave away his snowboarding boots because they were to small and went and got some new used ones~ well it wasn't until the night before that it dawned on me~ we should probably see if they fit in the bindings~ well they DIDN'T. Now we have to see if we can put new bindings on his board or get him a whole new USED board.

In other Nate the great news he has been having fun with basketball. His coach tells him all the time that he is one of the best players on the team~ sometimes I think that goes to his head a little bit. His team so far this season in 3-1. He plays a pretty strong team this weekend but lets hope our team Wins!!

As for me, not alot going on~ I have been getting the house ready for Christmas with all the decorations and making lots and lots of caramels.

We are looking forward to a great Christmas with all the family and having new little ones at the house.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What A Loud Reward!!!!!

Well as most of you already know Nate is in 6th grade this year. In middle school they do quarters, so with that Nate brought home is 1st report card for the year. Nate did a great job!! Nate got 4 B's and 2 C's which averages out to a B- average~ I am so very proud of my boy!! Middle school is really agreeing with Nate~ he loves that he has 7 classes and that it is also a drop schedule~ so he doesn't always have the same class every day in the same order. He also has 7 different teachers and I know that really agrees with him. All his teachers had really nice comments to say about him. Now tomorrow we have our 1st conference for the year and this is the 1st time that I am not that nervous about it~ don't get me wrong, I am still a little nervous but not as much as I have been in the past~ wish us Luck!!

Last year Nate and Grandpa Jim made a deal, if he brought home a B average he would get a guitar. Sadly Nate didn't make the grade last year~ He worked hard but just didn't quit get it, he was just a little bit away from that average.

Well Nate has been talking a lately about getting a guitar~ so grandpa, being extremely happy with Nate's report card decided that he earned it. Grandpa did some calling around to a friend to find out just which guitar would be the best for Nate.

So the big day came~ on Saturday after Nate's basketball game~ which Nate scored five baskets, and his team won ~ grandma, grandpa, and Nate went to the guitar store. So here I am thinking that Nate was going to just get a little wood guitar to start off with. Well boy was I WRONG in every sense!!!

I meet up with the crew after running my errands and I get in grandma's car to find out, Nate got an electric guitar with an amp~ yep you heard me right, an electric guitar with a very loud amp.

Nate has been spending a lot of time playing around with it~ He has 20 free online sessions which I hope he uses! he is already talking about forming a group.

Who knows I might just have the next big hit garage band member right under my nose!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy?

Last night was a busy night for Nate and myself. I have been in search for the perfect pair of jeans to buy since mine seem to be fitting me extra baggy lately~ Could it be the 35lbs on my way to 40lbs that I have lost~ maybe so. Well my search continues.

So we were driving home from one of many stores that we visited and somehow Nate got on the subject of what he wants for Christmas~ oh boy, starting already. Nate was telling me that he is going to ask Santa for skin tight jeans~ Yes skater boys are wearing skin tight jeans. I don't even think that girls with the most wonderful of figures should wear them~ I truely can't wait for this style to pass~ they are the most ugly style of jeans I have ever witnessed in my life. So anyways, I was telling him that I don't think Santa will bring them and that's when it happened. I calmly look at my most handsome and wonderful loving son and said " Santa isn't real"

He''s like what do you mean he isn't real? I had to break it down for him. I told him that grandpa, grandma, and myself are Santa. He took it really good but looked totaly shocked. I truley believe that he 100% believed in Santa. I guess more than anything I wanted to protect Nate. I didn't want him going back to middle school and getting teased for believing or by finding out from other kids~ I thought it was best to come from me.

So then he starts thinking about the Tooth Fairy & the Easter bunny~ yes I told him the honest truth about them too.

I did end our conversation with telling Nate it's okay to believe in the magic of Santa, its makes Christmas time so much more fun and magical.