Well Nate and I had our big trip to ATL GA
and what a trip it was!!!
1st off not only did we get to spend time with Jason & Stephanie, but we got to finally meet Miles. He is sooo much fun and what a cutie!!! Miles is so so much fun to watch. He is a busy boy always on the move. I took many many pictures of him~ every time I thought I got him, guess what? he turned his head~ oh that silly
boy, Miles has realized how vocal he can be and let me tell you he is very vocal as in screaming~ boy does that kid have a set of lungs on him~It seems his favorite things to do are 1. Scream as loud as he can 2. huff and puff threw his nose (which is totally cute) and giggle~ he just cracks me up when he giggles. Miles was loving Nathan and Nathan was loving him back just boy.
We laid pretty low over our weekend. We did all venture out to Stone Mountain~ that was fun. We too a ride up the mountain~ lets just say the trip up mad me quit nervous with my fear of heights. It was soo
I got to spend some girl time with stephanie, lisa, & sonia~ we went to Altantic station and Ikea~ it was a fun day~ glad I had a chance to do that. Nate spent 2 nights over at Al & Lisa's house~ he was having a blast hanging out with
I wish our time could have been longer~ It went way tooo fast!!! before you knew it~ it was time to head back home to Mini.
So now its back to reality!
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