Friday, May 23, 2008

Another Baseball Update

Nate and his team had yet another game last night~ they won. I think it was something like 13-8 I am not quit sure. Some of us moms were just having a good old time chit chatting that we didn't pay attention to the game as much as we should have. We were looking at grandpa Larry for the score but I think we might have thrown him off because I don't believe we gave him the correct score to start off with.

Nates team in on a winning streak~ I am not sure how the boys will handle it when they get a loss which is bound to happen before the season is over~

Its going to be nice to have a few days off from baseball over the weekend~ not alot planned so we can just go with the flow~ that will be a nice little break for us.

When I went to pick up Nate at his track meet on Wednesday I heard that football sign up starts next week~ yikes. Right from one sport to another~ its good for him.

Until next time.

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