After the 2 games it was rush home, get ready and head to Eau Claire for Amber's wedding. The wedding was nice and beautiful. After the wedding we headed to the reception~ The hall was gorgeous! It was decorated most differently~ but I really liked it. Each table had a big bouquet of flowers and each table setting had a smaller bouquet of flowers~ only they weren't flowers~ they were cookies made to look like flowers and the small ones were suckers~ the whole thing was edible~ minus the bucket~ they kids just loved it. Everyone seemed to be really enjoying themselves a lot. Nate eventualy got out and danced~ it was at the very end of the night and his favorite song game on~Crank That by soljia boy.
Most of the guest were staying at the hotel that the reception took place at and it has a really nice pool area. Thats what most of the kids did during the reception~ right after we ate the older kids were asking if someone would watch them while they swam~ well of course they broke Rhonda down but~ some of us other parents took turns watching the kids. It turned out to be a really good night~ fun was had by all. I am sure the kids all slept good that night~ I know mine did~ they swam for like 4 hours. Can you believe it after all that swimming the night before, they all couldn't wait to get back in the pool fist thing in the morning.
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